

【ベストコレクション】 ƒAƒjƒ Œø‰Ê‰¹ ’˜ìŒ  300329

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√70以上 xy ‚¨‚É‚Ñ 264932-Xy enterprise

X y 0duvkilhog &olqlf hdowk 6\vwhp ,qf 0duvkilhog &olqlf ,qf 0&6 rvslwdov ,qf /dnhylhz 0hglfdo &hqwhu ,qf ri 5lfh /dnh )dplo\ hdowk &hqwhu ri 0duvkilhog ,qf x y é ñ ø Û Ô â Þ Ö Ú à Õ Ó õUse "" and "" for the morse code and "/" for pause Click here for an example Here is an overview of the morse alphabet presented A new letter is signaled with a short pause and a new word is signaled with a long pause or "/" and "//" respectively when written See the Wikipedia article for more informationê & ê « Á ¸ é Þ u & 6$ Xy N S Stream Xy enterprise